Alkimi’s First Ultra-Rare AlEx Drawn
Thomas Scovell, an Alkimi advisor and admin, chats to the lucky winner of the first “ultra rare” AlEx NFT about his win and the project.
Alkimi Exchange recently launched its staking pool on Lattice Exchange, which will provide the bandwidth for the decentralised advertising exchange the team are creating. But the innovations don’t stop there, as tied to this staking launch is an NFT drop.
Alkimists (as our community call themselves) receive an NFT raffle ticket for every 10K ADS they stake. When they visit the AlEx the Alkimist website they can redeem these for 1 of 3000 NFTS, which are of different rarities. The 500 rarest of these come with bonus ADS rewards in addition to the 10+% APY stakers receive. You can read more about that in our medium post here.
The rarest of the rare, is the “ultra rare” with only 25 ever to be in existence and a bonus of 40,000 ADS for the lucky winner! Today we’re talking to the first lucky winner of an Ultra Rare, who was chatting live in our Telegram as he discovered he won.
THOMAS: Hi Ballem🥳ns! Thanks for taking the time to speak to us. Congratulations again on your win, we’re so excited to see the way the community has embraced staking and the AlEx NFTs. And so glad one of our most active community members has won an ultra-rare. What name can we call you by?
BALLEM🥳NS: Robert in real life, aka Ballemons on Telegram and Twitter
THOMAS: People have discovered Alkimi in different ways — some come from the advertising world, some from crypto, some the traditional world of finance and investing. And we have folks who have been part of the Constellation ecosystem for some time and discovered Alkimi through the Launchpad on Lattice Exchange. How did you first find out about Alkimi Exchange?
I was a new guy in the DAG and LTX Telegram chats when I first heard it mentioned. I had already fallen so much in love with Constellation Hypergraph that I had secured enough DAG for a node, and was beginning to look broader at the whole ecosystem.
THOMAS: Cool so you were one of our community who came in through the Constellation door. The hypergraph is key to what we’re building — there’s no other blockchain or state channel that could deliver the throughput and functionality that Alkimi Exchange needs to transform the advertising industry. As someone who works in advertising myself I’m psyched to see it shake up the industry. What excited you enough to invest in ADS?
ROBERT: I heard about the Lattice Launchpad launch, and since I already had acquired a good bag of LTX, I decided to stake for an allocation. And that is when I did more research by reading the white paper and watching videos on YouTube. Especially Hypergraph Hours and Mr Digital Dive was very exciting to me. I also joined the Telegram community to learn from the members.
I have a background from working 12 years in a large advertising agency, and all though I personally worked with ads on printed media, I had heard a lot about programmatic ads. I can’t really see Alkimi fail. The team is top tier, and the whole concept is great. This is a winner!
I felt a little bummed that I had missed out on the private sales, but decided to grab as much as I could when it was tradeable on Uniswap
THOMAS: A fellow adman, well then you certainly know the size of the industry and what a great opportunity Alkimi Exchange has to take a lot of that $350 Billion that gets spent on programmatic advertising every year. But Alkimi is more than a product, its a community of Alkimists. What’s your favourite thing about the Alkimist community?
ROBERT: Awesome and knowledgeable people and admins! And I really like that the Alkimi team members pops in to join the discussion pretty regularly. The atmosphere is chilled and positive, and I see a lot of regulars from the other Hypergraph Constellation groups. Also no “wen Lambo” 😅
THOMAS: Yes it’s great how involved the team are able to be, given how much work they have on building the platform and relationships with the whole advertising ecosystem! So I was lucky enough to be in the channel when you found out that you were a winner and got your reaction. What did it feel like winning the first Ultra-Rare?
I had 7 “tickets” ready, and had already minted 3 community NFT’s, and was thinking this was typical me. I almost never win anything. But on the fourth it I saw it, and at first I was just sitting there in silence a few seconds. Then I screamed like my favorite team Lillestrøm (or AC Milan) scored a last minute winner! And then I my hands started shaking bad. I wasn’t easy to get to sleep that night 😅
I still have 2 left to mint, but I need to buy more Eth, so those can wait a little longer
THOMAS: Amazing! And as a football fan, I hope you’re part of the Alkimi Exchange fantasy football league! Do you have any plans for what to do with your AlEx? Will it be your profile pic anywhere?
ROBERT: Profile picture is a good idea! I will use it on Telegram and Twitter.
Further than that I have no other plans than to hodl it. It will be exciting to see what other benefits it will have, and how valuable it will be later down the road
THOMAS: We’ve had 7 million ADS staked already of the 30 million possible — within just a day of the 1 month staking period. We know some people are sitting there wondering if they should join in. What would you say to anyone unsure if they should stake and mint?
ROBERT: If you have a good bag of $ADS, I would most definitely stake it. I am not worried about the end of bull market. This is a long term gem, and the utility when the Alkimi Exchange opens up will not care about bears. That is my opinion. Gas fees on the Ethereum network is ridiculous, so if the budget is tight, I understand if people might want to think carefully about doing the minting or not, or at least wait until the gas prices are cheaper. (We need that Hypergraph L_0 asap!) But I would very much advise to mint at least one, because I have been told even the community ones will have bonuses later, and they are also quite rare and should be flippable on Opensea or Void with time
THOMAS: Thank you so much for your time and congratulations again on your win. Good luck using your NFT in the upcoming AlEx video game. I see you already have another winning strategy for that:
See more about AlEx The Alkimist HERE, and how you can draw your own NFT!