Alkimi Announces NEW Integration With PowerLinks (DSP)

Alkimi Exchange
3 min readMar 1, 2023


Today Alkimi announced its new integration with PowerLinks, a demand side platform (DSP). This is a massive step toward the widespread adoption of a blockchain-based ad exchange, as it will allow Alkimi to provide buyers of digital advertising with a means to trade on Alkimi’s exchange across display, video and native formats.

PowerLinks technology powers the growth of some of the world’s largest brands by distributing personally and contextually relevant advertising to their audiences. It provides real-time creative automation to deliver always-on personalised messaging through dynamic and visually attractive ads.

COO & Co-Founder Adam Chorley noted how “Alkimi will leverage Powerlink’s DSP to maintain our low take rates while working closely with their team to help them leverage our proprietary technology to drive efficiency.” He added, “Alkimi is working to provide all market participants with the most efficient programmatic marketplace possible”.

“Our integration with Alkimi represents the first step towards creating a new, transparent and highly efficient programmatic landscape,” says Kevin Flood, CEO at PowerLinks. “Our partnership will provide global agencies and brands with access to premium supply, unparalleled cost efficiencies and transformative technology for data management & governance.”

Chandru, Alkimi CTO & Co-Founder expressed how “ Alkimi’s collaboration with PowerLinks demonstrates:

  • Our ability to technically integrate with demand side partners using industry standards to help in delivering millions of ads to our users
  • Ensuring that Alkimi is able to have the scale to on-board new node operators who help in conducting, validating and notarising ad auctions on a decentralised ledger”

About Alkimi

A decentralised replacement to the inefficient legacy programmatic ad exchanges with the mission to restore the value exchange between advertisers, publishers and users. Alkimi is built on a directed acyclic graph — a revolutionary blockchain technology which allows us to provide the fastest, infinitely scalable solution with 0% fraud, low transaction fees and complete end-to-end transparency.

Alkimi reestablishes the intended value exchange between users, publishers and advertisers. We believe in a different world that can be born from a cataclysmic event, when IDs disappear and it appears we have nothing, Alkimi can create something. Where users see fewer and better ads, Advertisers reach an engaged audience and Publishers regain control of the means for their success and continue to produce innovative and creative content. Alkimi helps you create ad products, proven successful by walled gardens across the open web.

To learn more about Alkimi Exchange click here:

About PowerLinks

PowerLinks is the advertising industry’s leading relevance automation platform. Our technology powers the growth of some of the world’s largest brands by distributing personally and contextually relevant advertising to their audiences.

PowerLinks provides real-time creative automation to deliver always-on personalized messaging through dynamic and visually attractive ads. Our global marketplace spans the content web, allowing marketers to reach over a billion consumers and more than 400,000 sites and apps.

PowerLinks’ real-time buying capabilities also enable marketers to continuously optimize the performance of their campaigns and drive growth across all major display and native ad suppliers, including Google, ShareThrough, TripleLift and more than 50 others.

To learn more about PowerLinks click here:

